Main service: Sunday, 10.30am | 01590 672019
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Christians Against Poverty

“In a just and compassionate society, no-one should be trapped in their home, afraid to open the door or answer the phone. No-one should wake up wondering where they’ll find the money to feed their children or heat their home…”

These words come from Christians Against Poverty (CAP). And here at Lymington Baptist Church (LBC), we believe in them too.

CAP is an award-winning charity that partners with local churches across the UK to provide free practical and emotional support through debt help and community groups. Here at LBC, we partner with CAP to run a Debt Centre. 

Is it really free?

It is! All our CAP services are free of charge and open to anyone, whatever your belief or background. 

Debt Centre

The Lymington CAP Debt Centre offers free debt help to anyone in Lymington, New Milton and the surrounding area. We want to bring hope and a solution to anyone suffering from the impact of debt.

Need help with your debt?

Call the appointment line on 0800 328 0006 to fix a meeting with a local CAP Debt Coach. Calls are free from UK landlines and mobiles.

New Street Community Café

New Steet Community Café is a relaxed, free drop-in.

There is free tea, coffee and cake and laptops available, with free WIFI.
It’s a friendly and welcoming space where you can chat with others over a hot drink and a piece of cake.

We are open every Thursday morning during term time, between 10am and 2.30pm, at Lymington Baptist Church. Pop in for a chat, we’d love to meet you!

To find out more about CAP Debt help visit

To contact the Lymington CAP Debt Centre call Jim Anderson (Debt Centre Manager) on 07831 779574 or email

Can I volunteer with CAP?

If you are interested in finding out more about volunteering with our CAP team please contact Jim on 07831 779574 or email