Main service: Sunday, 10.30am | 01590 672019
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Making Friends

Can you paint, knit or crochet? If not, why not pop along to Making Friends and learn how. Do you have other skills you could teach us? Please come along and let us know! Perhaps you’d just like to chat and enjoy the company, have a cup of tea or coffee and some homemade cake – if so, this is the place for you too. Making Friends is a weekly craft group for anyone who likes the idea of meeting and making. We meet on a Wednesday morning, from 9.30am to 11.30am, in the downstairs rooms at LBC. There is a small cost of £1.50 to help cover our expenses. Anyone is welcome. We have a group who knit baby clothes for a charity. Crafts include making cards, jewellery, Easter or Christmas wreaths, diamond crystal art, decorated pots, tiles and more. We even have the occasional away trip. Do come along and make new friends. We’d love to see you there.

Find out more about Making Friends

Contact: Pam McKenna
