Main service: Sunday, 10.30am | 01590 672019
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A small team of ladies help me (Pam McKenna) plan and organise various women’s events, and also the outreach / evangelism programme. Not everyone who comes attends LBC, but our aim is to invite friends and family who have no church connections. 

We aim to hold three or four breakfasts during the year. The last one was attended by over 50 people. The speaker always has a Christian message to tell. We then invite these guests to our services and events.

We also have a women’s evening in early December where we learn how to make and decorate cakes or sweets; or sometimes we make Christmas wreaths or similar. You don’t have to be artistic to join in but we have a great time trying our hand at various activities. Again, about 50 attend.

On the more social side, we organise events where families are welcome. We have a barn dance planned for 19th November for all ages.

Thinking even further ahead we are holding a Topsy Turvey Auction in aid of CAP on Saturday 21st January.

We also hold skittles evening  and other events.

What’s coming up next?

Check out the LBC calendar, or get in touch with to find out what we’re doing next and how you can be involved too.

We’d love to get to know you!