Main service: Sunday, 10.30am | 01590 672019
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We want our children and young people to love coming to church, so they can grow up understanding, serving and loving their Father in heaven. We also want to give parents all the support they need to help them do that too. There’s lots on for families at LBC, including a monthly Messy Church and a weekly parent and toddler group. On regular Sunday mornings, there are groups for all ages. Our young people usually stay with us for the first half hour, then head to their groups until just after 11.30am.

Crèche (for 0 to 4-year-olds)

Crèche is a good place to go if you need feeding, or if you’re worried that your parent is making too much noise in the service. You’ll find it downstairs at LBC; We have a good range of baby and toddler toys, and there’s a live audio feed so your parents can listen to the service while you’re there. There are no leaders in Crèche, so your mum or dad will need to stay with you until you leave.

MiniKidz (for Reception to Year 2)

We love exploring the Bible through stories, videos and crafts. We tend to cover the New Testament from late autumn until Easter, and the Old Testament through the rest of the year. Two of our key resources are Scripture Union’s Bubbles and Splash!, alongside the Jesus Storybook Bible and its excellent video series. There’s a strong focus on making things too. You’ll rarely leave MiniKidz without a drawing or model of some kind!

LiveKidz (for Years 3 to 6)

LiveKidz is all about getting to know God better, discovering how much He loves us and investigating who this man Jesus is and what He’s done for us. We do this in all kinds of different ways, from games and stories to dramas, quizzes, music, videos, art – and of course by digging into the Bible. As we learn more about Jesus, we discover more about what it means to build a relationship with Him and organise our lives round him.

RS2 (Years 7 to 9) 

Moving from primary school and into secondary school is exciting, but it can be challenging too. RS2 (the RS stands for “rock solid”) encourages us to stay firm in Jesus as we grow. Originally based on the Youth For Christ programme, RS2 helps us get stuck into the Bible so that we can see how it’s relevant to our lives and situations, and so that we can support and learn from each other as we step out in faith together. We love games, quizzes, stories, and inspiring each other to follow Jesus.

Reckless (Year 10+) 

Reckless is a youth group for teenagers aged 14+. We join the Sunday morning main church service, then meet again on Sunday evenings from 6:45pm to 8pm in the homes of church members to chat, play games and study the Bible together. Our name comes from the boldness and faith that King Saul’s son Jonathan displayed in 1 Samuel chapter 14 (“Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few”), which encourages us to step out in reckless faith whenever God gives us the opportunity. Our goal is to learn how we can live out our faith in the whole of our lives, so that in everything we learn we can ask “What difference will this make to me tomorrow?6